Search movies and TV shows

Siri on Apple TV helps you quickly find movies and TV shows to watch. Siri can find content based on a wide range of criteria—including titles, genres, actors, directors, ratings, age appropriateness and more. You can even ask to find “good” or “popular” results.

Ask Siri. Say something like:

  • “What should I watch?”

  • “Find The Boxtrolls”

  • “Play Episode 3 of Season 1 of Homeland”

  • “Show me popular comedies”

  • “Find Benedict Cumberbatch movies”

  • “Watch great dramas”

  • “Find me some TV Shows that are good for kids”

  • “Show PG-13 movies”

You can also combine genres.

Ask Siri. Say something like:

  • “Find me some funny horror movies”

  • “Show me independent foreign films”

  • “Search for crime documentaries”

When you search for a movie or TV show, Siri searches across multiple apps to find you exactly what you’re looking for. If you request a unique title, Apple TV takes you directly to the detail page for that video. If there’s more than one result, Siri displays a row of search results for you to choose from or further refine your search.

To learn more about working with search results, see View search results and Select a search result.

Once you make an initial search, you can ask additional questions to zero in on exactly what you want to watch. See Refine search results.