Stream content using AirPlay

Use AirPlay to view the screen of your Mac or iOS device directly on Apple TV and share it with other people in the room.

In order to share the screen in this way, both Apple TV and the shared device may need to be connected to the same network. For more about peer-to-peer sharing, see Apple Support.

View an iOS device on Apple TV. On the iOS device, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open Control Center. Tap AirPlay AirPlay icon, then select Apple TV in the list of AirPlay devices.

View a Mac on Apple TV. On the Mac, click AirPlay AirPlay icon in the Mac menu bar. Choose the name of the Apple TV you want to use.

Instead of viewing your Mac’s screen you can send just the audio from the Mac to Apple TV and use the speakers attached to your AV receiver.

Listen to audio from a Mac on Apple TV. Option-click the Sound icon in the Mac menu bar. Select Apple TV in the Output Device list.

Rename Apple TV. You can change the name of your Apple TV so you can easily identify it in a list of AirPlay devices. In Settings Settings on Apple TV, go to AirPlay > Apple TV Name.

Restrict access to Apple TV. When you use Apple TV as an AirPlay device, you can require users to enter a passcode or password when they try to connect. In Settings Settings, go to AirPlay and turn on Require Device Verification. Then, go to AirPlay > Security and select “Passcode” or “Password.” Selecting Passcode requires AirPlay users to enter a code when a device attempts to connect; selecting Password prompts you to create a password.

Fix a cropped AirPlay image. If your AirPlay display appears cropped on Apple TV, you can apply underscan to show the entire image. In Settings Settings, go to AirPlay > AirPlay Display Underscan. If you see black bars around the image, turn this setting off.

Use iTunes in the Cloud. When playing content from an AirPlay device, you can tell Apple TV to stream the content from an iTunes server rather than over the local network from the AirPlay-connected device. In Settings Settings, go to AirPlay > Play Purchases from iCloud.